Iron Mountain
Virtual Forum
Promoting responsible business practices that prioritise ESG commitments, while ensuring protection of personal data and privacy rights, is a key consideration for today's privacy professionals.

To enable your organisation to effectively report on privacy and data protection to external stakeholders we have collaborated with  industry leaders to produce practical guidance on privacy and data protection in the ESG context.
What will I learn?
In this virtual forum we delve into this new whitepaper: 'The Role of Privacy in ESG Explained.' Join industry experts for this exciting conversation as we discuss best practices to support privacy, information governance and ESG professionals in this space.

Elevate your expertise in privacy, information governance, and ESG, as we chart a course towards sustainable success together.

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Julia Bonder-Le Berre
Julia Bonder-Le Berre
Head of Global Privacy, Iron Mountain
Janine McKelvey
Janine McKelvey
General Counsel - Data, Group Data Protection & Ethics Officer, BT Group
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